Sunday, September 23, 2012

Hey! Say! JUMP 5th anniversay

                     There are a lot of stars in the sky, but there 10 stars which 
                                   become the most special star in my heart. 
                 They are 10 amazing and talented boys that I know as Hey! Say! JUMP.

5 years ago they were unknown. But now, they are idols. They reached all of the fame by hardwork. They showed us that they are unusual idols. They can do a lot of things. Singing, dancing, acting, entertaining, athletics, and many mores. They proved us that they are solid. Even though they are not 10 anymore, but we believe in them as 10 and forever 10.

A big storm hit their ship, but they are still sailing from one harbour to another harbour, showing the world who they are. They have matured since their debut 5 years ago. They changed but they are still the same. They are still themselves. They cheered each other when one of them felt down. They also cried together when they lost someone. But, it didn't make them forget the friendship. They are still together no matter what they are.

Each of them is special in their own way...

My impression about them will never changed. I still love them even though they have grown so much.

Yabu is still a papa for HSJ. He is the oldest and he knows how to guide his family to the right path. His voice trembles my heart, making me feel calm and safe. He has a high pitched voice that I love. He has a charm as an adult.

Inoo mama. He is the type that all girls will jealous at. He is pretty even though he is a man. His beauty aura can be seen anytime. He is a good keyboardist. It is nice to hear his play in every JUMP song.

Takaki always be a YANKEE for me. He has an image as a bad boy, but in fact he is a mama boy. He loves his mother's cooking and always bring it as bento. He is a stupid type but lovely in the same time.

Hikaru kun... He is totally the same. He always makes us laugh with his stupid act. But, he brings happiness to all of us. we loves him a lot, right?

Daiki, my beloved penguin boy who never failed to make me smile. I love his MC skill. He communicates well with his fans and audience. And the other thing that I love from him is, he is my same age friend. We will grow old together Dai chan~

Yamada tantei san. He is my ichiban and always be it no matter how much he has changed. He is not the chubby cheeks boy that I know, but he has grown as a man. He is a sexy boy, but still cute inside. I love him whenever he is with JUMP or just alone with Chinen. Please always love JUMP, Yama chan.

Chinen my little angel. The one who makes me kyaa-ing. I adore him so much. He is talented and a true idol. I learnt out that he loves Yamada so much and he wished to dance together with him. His dream has come true and may my wish to meet them also comes true.

Yuto my super tall boy who has left the tree chibis behind. My first impression about him is kind hearted boy. And it's true. He is lovely and he is kind to everyone. He grew a lot and he looks so matured. Maybe he has a chance to become a supermodel in the future.

Keito kun, the british gentleman. I remember when I watched HSJ debut concert and thought "A spike haired boy". I never known that you are so shy, but it makes you cute. Even though you are bullied by the other member, but you have a power in the other place. Your power is music. I love when you played guitar. I hope you will have a solo in the future!

Ryuu chan, the hamster boy. You are forever JUMP! You are the most chilidish one even though you tried so hard to be an adult. Keep doing that because it is you. Remember to be yourself! My love for you and I hope one day I will see you with the whole JUMP again.

In the beginning, I only looked at Yamada. He is the first boy that I love in HSJ. I thought he was only an actor, but I found out that he was a member of HSJ. I tried to hear their song and I like it. It gives me an energy. It is a nice song and it gives a spirit when I am lazy. It cheers up my day everytime I hear it.

It hard to me to remember them all. It is my first experience as a fan. I never like singer or band that much. But, here I am. Crazy about them but not a freaky fan. I love them and I show it with art.

I realize that I grow up with them. They are normal people like me, but they live in a different way. They choose to be an idol and they behave like an idol. It must be hard when they got a super fan who stalked their live, but they knew how to react.

I can't express much about my feelings about them, but one thing for sure. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. They are my first idol and will be my idol forever. No matter what will happen in the future, I hope you will keep solid as one that I know as Hey! Say! JUMP

You dig out the dirt and soil from the earth to find a precious metal. You didn't care when people mocked you for being stupid. You dig and dig with a belief. Finally in the hundred days, a light is coming out from the small hole that you dig. A pile of gold is buried in there for hundreds years. When you come back, you proudly say that it is worth it to wait and work hard for this precious metal.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


                                                                   Awan tak selalu putih
                                                                   Langit tak selalu biru
                                            Dan daun-daun pun mulai meninggalkan rantingnya

Semua itu sama halnya dengan hidup. Selalu ada suka dan duka dalam menjalani hari yang akan bertambah menjadi hitungan bulan dan tahun. Namun, betapa indahnya hidup ini karena dirimu tidak pernah sendiri.

Akan selalu ada Tuhan di mana pun dirimu melangkahkan kaki, membuat keputusan, dan menjalaninya. Selalu ada orangtua yang selalu memberimu dukungan baik secara fisik maupun moril. Merekalah yang tidak pernah lelah mendampingi dan memberikan sebuah acuan dalam memilih masa depan. Dengan cara apapun entah itu lembut maupun keras, tapi dibalik semua itu, mereka sangat menyayangimu.

Tuhan mungkin selalu bersama kita, tapi orangtua tidaklah seperti itu. Akan tiba saatnya mereka meninggalkanmu. Semua orang di dunia hanyalah titipan. Orangtua dan anak memiliki posisi yang sama. Mereka tidaklah abadi.

Ada pula para saudara dengan berbagai karakteristik berada di belakangmu. Kadang ada yang mendukung tapi ada pula yang membuatmu jatuh. Hal itu wajar karena bila diibaratkan jalan, selalu ada jalan berlubang, berbatu, bahkan bercabang yang menuntutmu untuk berusaha melewatinya dan tentu saja "memilih".

Hanya ada 2 jalan yang bisa dipilih yaitu keberhasilan atau kegagalan. Dua-duanya merupakan pertaruhan. Orang bilang kerja keras tentu akan berhasil tapi saya rasa itu tidak sepenuhnya benar. Ada faktor keberuntungan di dalamnya. Kalau tidak beruntung, mau usaha sekeras apapun tidak akan berhasil. Bisa dikatakan jalan yang Anda pilih belumlah tepat.

Gagal tidak hanya terjadi dalam hidup dan karir, tapi juga sebuah hubungan seperti persahabatan maupun jalinan kasih. Kita merasa senang dan bahagia ketika banyak teman berada di sekitar kita di saat suka, tapi di kala duka kemanakah mereka semua. Mungkin hanya segelintir yang masih bertahan dan mau mendengar keluh kesah kita. Ada pula yang menghibur bahkan memberikan kita jalan keluar dalam permasalahan tersebut. Berterima kasihlah pada teman dan sahabat seperti mereka karena mereka tidak sering kita jumpai di hidup yang serba individualis seperti saat ini.

Pertemanan selalu memiliki arus pasang surut. Ada kalanya kita jenuh dengan orang-orang itu saja, tapi bila kita melihat ke belakang, mereka sudah ada untuk mendampingi kita sejak awal. Bisakah kita membayangkan ketika tua nanti, mereka akan sangat kita rindukan. Tawa canda serta tangis haru semasa sekolah akan selalu dikenang hingga tua nanti.

Mungkin dalam beberapa tahun ke depan, kita akan menjumpai mereka dalam keadaan yang sangat  berbeda. Ada yang seperti bayangan kita, tapi ada pula yang jauh dari bayangan kita. Merekalah yang nantinya akan kita rindukan di waktu kedua orangtua sudah tidak bisa mendampingi kita. Mereka berbeda dengan yang kita sebut sebagai saudara, tapi mereka adalah saudara kita juga. Mereka adalah saudara yang terbentuk dari hati.

Hal lain adalah jalinan kasih. Jangan pernah sedih meskipun dirimu belum memiliki jodoh karena Tuhan sudah merencanakan yang lebih baik untukmu. Jangan pernah sedih bila kehilangan kekasih karena mungkin saja dia bukan untukmu dan dirimu bukan untuknya. Ada orang lain yang ditakdirkan untuk kalian berdua.

Boleh saja kita bersedih, tapi janganlah menjadikan hal itu sebagai alasan untuk terus menutup diri dari keluarga dan sahabat. Keluarlah dari balik selimut, hapus air matamu, dan nikmatilah siraman cahaya mentari di pagi hari. Segelas minuman segar seperti jus jeruk juga bisa membantumu untuk menyegarkan hati yang kelabu.

Semuanya memang bersifat sementara. Tapi apa salahnya untuk menikmati hidup. Bekerja juga bisa dikatakan menikmati hidup. Apa artinya bila hanya duduk atau terbaring di ranjang tanpa berbuat apapun, padahal fisik dan psikis masih prima. Kita masih muda, masih banyak hal yang bisa dikejar.

Ada mimpi berarti ada yang bisa diperjuangkan. Jadikanlah mimpi itu sebagai target hidup. Buatlah orang yang kau kasihi bangga karena mereka semua hanya sementara demikian juga dirimu. Paling tidak ketika waktu kita di dunia sudah habis, bukan harta yang dibawa tapi sebuah KEBANGAAN dan KENANGAN MANIS.